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What is the best way to determine whether a men's stoles online are of the original quality?

The best way to determine the quality of a product is to check all the reviews of the seller and all the other reviews on websites. You should also check the materials used in the making a handwoven stole. To know more, contact us.


What is the ideal size of men's stoles when you order stoles online?

There is no fixed standard for stoles for men. The size of stoles varies from brand to brand. But a good fitting stole to men is one that ends at the wrist. If the stole is too long, it becomes difficult to carry. At Veaves, our handwoven stole size for men is 75 cm x 210 cm.


If I order men's stoles online, how long will it take for them to arrive?

That depends on several different factors such as availability and region. Contact us if you would like to know more about delivery details.